Hotel Dar Es Salam i Djibouti

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Rue des Issas, Djibouti, DJ Djibuti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 35 33 34
Latitude: 11.5874983, Longitude: 43.1453815
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Kommentar 5

  • Jama Othman

    Jama Othman


    Hudheel fican weeyan bay ila tahay

  • Ahmed Youssouf

    Ahmed Youssouf


    Bien Hôtel

  • shaft med

    shaft med


    Affordable and more better service than expensive dirty hotels in djibouti can order food by the hotel telephone line and they offer laundry service delivery on th same day , the only thing I hate is that they don't have an elevator. You can exchange dollar and Euro from the reception.

  • Robert Bizaleri

    Robert Bizaleri


    Cost friendly Compared to other expensive hotels around town

  • Abdullah Alhomidi

    Abdullah Alhomidi


    Its price is below Average. I would say its a 2 star hotel for the services and quality. But you will hardly find a 3 star hotel around here. Its good because its near the mall and supermarket. Edit: After spending a lot of time, I noticed the lack of many unreliable services, internet is barely available and when it is its really slow. A/C is not on 24 hour. Few rooms that are spacious and with windows.

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