Comfort Hotel | فندق كومفورت i جيبوتي‎

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Mahmoud Harbi, جيبوتي‎, DJ Djibouti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 34 40 05
Latitude: 11.5908037, Longitude: 43.1457725
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Kommentar 5

  • Aida Karamesic

    Aida Karamesic


    It is very nice hotel with comfortable beds, big rooms, clean, good internet, central location

  • المؤسسة الإنسانية العالمية

    المؤسسة الإنسانية العالمية


    لايستحق أكثر من نجمه وحدة

  • ahmed wsabi

    ahmed wsabi


    الاسعار غاليه الغرفه الواحده 70 دولار لماذا ؟وخدمه انترنت سيئه

  • younis al giiijyht

    younis al giiijyht


    مكان جميل ونضيف اقيمه بامتياز في جيبوتي

  • Sylvia Gutiérrez Mesquida

    Sylvia Gutiérrez Mesquida


    I have spent 5 nights in this hotel. The location is great right in the center of the main area, close to shops, restaurants and transport utilities. The area is very crowded and noisy. The hotel itself looks quite new, maintenance is average. They serve breakfast (choice of beans, omelette and bread, tea or coffee). Price range varies from 86USD to 70USD for a room with 2 beds. Rooms are big with fan and airco. Beds are really hard. There are speakers for praying all over, so it's difficult to get a good sleep. I give 10 star rating to the receptionists and staff, always nice and at disposition. I had a big welcome by some of them. If I ever come back to Djibouti this is the place to stay.

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