Port de Doraleh i Yibuti

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Yibuti, Djibuti
Kontakter telefon: +253
Latitude: 11.5938528, Longitude: 43.1056507
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Kommentar 5

  • Santhosh Nair

    Santhosh Nair


    Entering and Leaving port Djbouti

  • Abdourashi Yonis

    Abdourashi Yonis


    C est les plus grand port des BAb El mandeb




    this port is developed by China so can't say about this that this validation not confirm

  • Sahal. Ahmed

    Sahal. Ahmed


    il est le meiller port que j'ai jamais croiser dans toute ma vie en afrique. bravo au gouvernement Djiboutien

  • Dane



    Usually not busy. Situated near one of the busiest shipping channels in the world, this 'horn of Africa' has the potential and capabilities to become the business hub and one of the busiest port in Africa. But poor infrastructure facilities and lack of funds check the progress. Still its developing gradually. It is also a hub for anti piracy operations. Naval ships around the world come here on their way to Gulf of Aden during anti piracy operations.

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