Melting Pot Restaurant Djibouti i Djibouti

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Rue Bernard Djibouti، Djibouti, Dschibuti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 35 03 99
Latitude: 11.612808, Longitude: 43.147087
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Kommentar 5

  • Jude Bazerman

    Jude Bazerman


    The dJabouti is here is very thick and tastes great. Very authentic and something everyone wants.

  • Stefan Adamcik

    Stefan Adamcik


    I have visited this restaurant since 2012 and sadly, the place has declined. The photo shown has the pool, which has been filled in as of 2016. The cleanliness of the place has declined. The bar is often sticky and it draws flies. The food quality has remained above average, but the service as usual is disjointed, with waiters and waitresses trying hard, but in need of a pro to come in and train. And of course, the people out on the street have become ever more demanding of "security fees" for the privilege of parking on a public street. It's only about 300 DJ Franc, but it's the principle.

  • Maria Abrinasa

    Maria Abrinasa


    Sushi buenísimo. Servicio lento. Ambiente occidental, muy frecuentado por los europeos y los yibuties de poder adquisitivo. También se puede tomar una bebida sin necesidad de pedir comida.

  • Sandwell Airport Taxis

    Sandwell Airport Taxis


    the staff of this place is so courteous and the service was so fast ! This is my favourite place for family outing.

  • Bella Hanley

    Bella Hanley


    The perfect place to dine if you fancy some sushi or maybe a perfectly cooked steak. I would also like to express my appreciation for their cocktails ... wow! First class dining experience.

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