Kurry Restaurant - Flavour Of India i Djibouti

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Haramous, Lootah Village Compound, Opposite of U.S. Embassy، Djibouti, Dschibuti
Kontakter telefon: +253 77 62 22 88
Latitude: 11.562365, Longitude: 43.167546
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Kommentar 5

  • N Moto

    N Moto


    nice indian restaurant! They serve very unique dishes!

  • J Will

    J Will


    Great food. Better service!

  • tboneonthedobro



    The butter chicken is the best. Legitimate curry for Indian food fans. Carry out is possible too, as the dining area is nothing remarkable.

  • mildful



    Cuisine fine... piments et épices raffinés, adaptation à la clientèle, très bonne mémoire dans ce restaurant familial qui ne cesse de s'améliorer depuis 6 ans!

  • Jeff Hail

    Jeff Hail


    WOW! What a hidden gem. The food is absolutely the best Indian cousin I have experienced. The atmosphere and dedication to serve from this Family owned business is just the beginning. The food is prepared to perfection. If they cannot find the freshest or best products that dish isn't prepared. The breads, Paratha or Chapati are a meal in themselves. On my favorite list!👍🏼👏🏽👌🏿

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