Hotel Ali Sabieh i Djibouti

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Kontakter telefon: +253 21 35 32 64
Latitude: 11.5938984, Longitude: 43.1459688
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Kommentar 5

  • Nabil Farrah

    Nabil Farrah


    Good, clean and nice staff.

  • Ahmed Aghbari

    Ahmed Aghbari


    It is a clean hotel relatively, it is good for not more than 48 hrs (transit). I paid 60 USD/Night. The hotels in Djibouti are very expansive and not meet the standards. The location of this hotel is good. You can find restaurants, groceries and some shops.

  • Darshith B Shetty

    Darshith B Shetty


    Good place. The food what you get is OK Not great

  • james kintu

    james kintu


    Strategically located in the city.centre of Djibouti and providing the basic bed and breakfast facilities.

  • Ebrima saidy

    Ebrima saidy


    Right in town and accessible. Has a pizzeria.

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