FRATACCI i Djibouti

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

PO Box 366, Djibouti، Djibouti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 35 22 03
Latitude: 11.6095823, Longitude: 43.144995
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Kommentar 5

  • Dane



    Best place in Djibouti where you can purchase liquor both in whole sale and retail. Most of the brands around the globe available at their shop. They deliver liquor inside the port at discount rate for wholesale orders. Its owned by an Indian. Surprised to see in such remote location they have been running the shop for years with the best available facilities. They treated us with utmost courtesy and delivered our order inside port. This place really deserves to be rated with 5 stars.

  • Margita Rados

    Margita Rados


    Une grande variété des alcool.

  • Jacer Boy

    Jacer Boy


    3h aurait être mieux au lieu que l'ouverture soit a 4h30 du midi à part cela 😉is fiesta

  • Ryan GRENIER

    Ryan GRENIER


    Boutique dont les prix sont abordables , bien entrenue

  • Estates631 gmail

    Estates631 gmail


    Amazingly fun in Djibouti and driving is a complete laugh. No traffic laws

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Modi's Wine Shop

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