Djibouti Palace Kempinski i Djibouti

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Djibouti Palace Kempinski, Ilot Du Heron, Djibouti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 32 55 55
Latitude: 11.6187306, Longitude: 43.1460041
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Kommentar 5

  • Big A

    Big A


    Beautiful hotel great view of the ocean quite picturesque , great food and world class spa ! Place seems to be booked solid even off peak times!

  • Dawood Mirza

    Dawood Mirza


    The best place in Djibouti for executive dining and living. It sure serves the purpose of 5 star living in this small city of Djibouti. Rooms are good but expensive when compared to similar rooms elsewhere in the world. However in this part of the world, it is the sole such place, so getting it is the only option till today. Nevertheless, really good place in Djibouti.

  • Walter Stokes

    Walter Stokes


    Safe and comfortable. Way over priced but decent hotel. Chef at breakfast buffet does not know how to make an omelette.

  • Carlos Camacho Serrano

    Carlos Camacho Serrano


    I am writing this letter to highly commend your employee and express my appreciation for the quality of service you offered me during my stay at the Djibouti Palace Kempinski Hotel. I enjoyed the peace and quiet I needed, offered in all the facilities of your hotel. This definitely added to the excellent service of the staff, specially Mr. Kashif Abbasi, he is always willing to help out. I will definitely recommend your hotel to friends and family. I am dust allergic but when I let him know that I want my carpet to be  shampoo and AC filter and curtains to be wash every week, then its tracked very professionally. We could see from day one that the hotel service has a great quality, both because of the service and the constant concern for our comfort. Thank you especially for being aware of our requirements.  I hope this young man is appreciated by hotel Management , he certainly made our stay in your hotel more enjoyable. Thanks again to the team that made our stay a good time, comforting and secure.

  • Steve G

    Steve G


    Very nice hotel and the staff could not be more helpful. Thank you to the whole team at the Kempinski in Djibouti. I was very impressed at checkout when the manager asked me very carefully how the hotel could have improved my stay. He seemed to genuinely value my comments about better coffee in the room.

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