Hotel Rayan i Djibouti

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3726، Djibouti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 35 34 45
Latitude: 11.6012, Longitude: 43.149636
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Kommentar 5

  • fathia said

    fathia said


    Among the nicest place in the world kkk

  • Mohamed Tubeec

    Mohamed Tubeec


    Hotelrayan is very good.....

  • Johnny Clifton

    Johnny Clifton


    Great budget hotel and close to centre without the noise , great restaurant too I ate here everyday food was 5 star by African standards , also I had the best service In Africa here ,the staff did everything to help me with my trip and visas , made lots of phone calls on my behalf ,and the owner speaks perfect English , I would definitely recommend this place if ur on a budget and want great service great food at a great price

  • Lee White

    Lee White


    Clean but run down. Good location. Good AC in rooms. Many rooms have wifi signal available. $60/night for a single room is good for Djibouti but too expensive based on similar countries.

  • SAM



    Nice place and peoples here are very friendly also it's close to everywhere with a good wifi connection and it have the cheapest price I really recommend it .....

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