Embassy of the United States i Djibouti

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Lot Number 350-B Haramous، Djibouti, Dschibuti
Kontakter telefon: +253 21 45 30 00
Latitude: 11.5639625, Longitude: 43.1671479
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Kommentar 5

  • Mustafe Kadhige

    Mustafe Kadhige


    Job Application Nemo moustapha abdilahi adawe I am Djibouti Equity 2 English and Somali I call the manager to help me with the job I call the usa embassy manager to help me work in every task I am working on My Tel 77673806 thanks

  • Ahmed Rachid

    Ahmed Rachid


    My dream always get job in United stated in jibouti but i didn't get that job sorry always iam following their websites. the question the jobs american embassy post is fair or not ?

  • Mohamed Alraishani

    Mohamed Alraishani


    My first ever review. Is giving to thous guys working it the U.S. embassy. Super nice and kind. I understand they're have to handle every case carefully, for anyone is getting disappointed buy the counselor's or the officer's. Thous guys is doing their jobs here it the embassy. Takes patience to get through. Freedom didn't happened in one day nor a year. My apologies to thous guys it embassy for my little rascal son hamza running around in the embassy. I was laughing and the same time, i didn't know what do I didn't even heard the counselor what he tould me it the end of the interview. Hamza even made me forget U.S. Government Fact Sheet on Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C). No problem I got one online. Again thinks guys I felt like I was home treated with dignity and respect.

  • Fahmi Sam

    Fahmi Sam


    they are great but the light of the Visa these days I don't know was going on here please make a hurry let's get out of here I need to go back me and my family to the US

  • So Soso

    So Soso


    They leave you outside the main gate for many hours in the sun 100 degrees until they let you in. And they don't have walkin appointments. And in order to get an appointment you have to email them then wait to see if they approved of giving you an appointment or not and it takes forever to receive a respond. And the policy there keeps changing almost every 2 months, so does the entire employees working there. This is a US EMBASSY 🇺🇸come on...

Nærmeste Ambassade:

General Consulate of the UAE

Haramouz City / Villa N* : 356, Djibouti
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